P.E.I. Senior Citizens' Federation Inc.
Prince Edward Island, Canada
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Learning Elders Arts
Island Artists

L.E.A.P. (Learning Elders Arts Program) funding enables local seniors' groups, organizations or facilities to hire professional and semi-professional artists to teach various artistic disciplines such visual and media arts, dance, instrumental or vocal music, theatre or musical theatre, literary arts, and folk arts and crafts to seniors. The group making the application locates a partner artist and together they complete the application.
Are you a group looking for an artist?
Following are artists who have expressed an interest in working with a seniors' organization on a L.E.A.P. project:
Dina Blot
Crafts, mandala painting, mixed media, fiber arts.
Available in Prince and Queens Counties.
902-658-3171 or (cell) 902-626-6536, dinablot@bellaliant.net
web site www.facebook.com/Meadowbrook-Art-Studio-gallery-giftshop-255658817788901/
Susan Christensen
Painting with acrylics.
Available in Queens County.
902-394-6552, susanahchristensen@gmail.com
web site www.susanchristensenart.com
Wayne Crouse
Available in Kings County and northeastern Queens County.
902-961-3202, wcrouse@eastlink.ca
Liz Dempsey
Quilting, fiber art.
Available in Kings County and Charlottetown area.
902-583-2549, liz_dempsey1@hotmail.com
Adrienne Ferrish
Counted cross stitch, rug hooking, hardanger embroidery.
Bilingual (English and French).
Available in Prince County.
Lynn Gaudet
Painting and multimedia.
Bilingual (English and French).
Available in Prince County.
902-831-3289, lynngaudet@pei.sympatico.ca
Mel Giddings
Painting for beginners.
Available in Kings County.
902-962-3612 or 902-731-2056, melzynhpg1937@yahoo.com
Donna Henley
Paper crafting.
Available in Queens County and eastern Prince County.
902-888-9744, donnahenley@gmail.com
Wendy Lefebvre
Acrylic painting, life writing. (Separate or combined.)
Available in eastern Prince County and western Queens County.
902-886-2244, thoselefebvres@gmail.com
Monica Lacey
Painting, drawing, textile arts, crafts.
Available in Charlottetown, Stratford and surrounding areas
902-213-7170, info@monicalacey.com
web site www.monicalacey.com
Wendy (Fred) MacKenzie
Repainting, refinishing and upcycling furniture.
Available in Charlottetown and Stratford areas.
902-675-2769, aonenightstandpei@gmail.com
web site www.aonenightstand.ca
Robert Milner
Acrylic or watercolour painting, watercolour construction (watercolour with pen and ink)
Available in Prince County and western Queens County
902-836-5669, artistmilner@icloud.com
Julia Purcell
Music, multimedia art, watercolor painting.
Available in Queens County.
902-368-7526, juliampurcell@gmail.com
Nora Richard
Available in Prince County.
902-831-2311 or 902-888-8851, nora58mary@hotmail.com
Kate Sharpley
Watercolor painting, multimedia.
Available in Queens County.
902-367-4725, kate@squigglebrush.com
Hazel St. Amand
Music and drama, and ukulele.
Available in Charlottetown and surrounding areas.
902-566-1986, hcbulger@edu.pe.ca
Lorraine Vatcher
Painting with acrylics.
Available in Kings County.
902-962-2327, Lvat60@gmail.com
Groups seeking an artist for a LEAP application may also contact the P.E.I. Crafts Council or Prince Edward Island Council of the Arts for assistance:
P.E.I. Crafts Council
Contact: Executive Director
Telephone 902-892-5152
email peicraftscouncil@gmail.com
Web site www.peicraftscouncil.com
Artisan directory: www.peicraftscouncil.com/our-members
Are you an artist who would like to be added to this list?
Contact Executive Director Linda Jean Nicholson at 902-368-9008.
The L.E.A.P. program is administered by the PEI Senior Citizens' Federation and is made possible through funding from the PEI Department
of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture.