P.E.I. Senior Citizens' Federation Inc.
Prince Edward Island, Canada

Swinging at the Annual General Meeting.

Board Member Corena Gairns presents a door prize to a happy winner.

Our Meetings
The PEI Senior Citizens' Federation hosts two meetings each year. Our Annual General Meeting is held in May in Charlottetown and our General Meeting is held in October and alternates between Prince and Kings Counties.
The day is an enjoyable mix of interesting speakers, great entertainment, door prizes and awards, and delicious food. The atmosphere is celebratory and social.
Our Charlottetown Annual General Meetings in May usually attract about 240 attendees from across the Island. Our October meetings in Prince or Kings county attract about 180 attendees.
Seniors' Federation meetings are typically open to all PEI Senior Citizens' Federation members and invited guests.
Our Next Membership Meeting:
PEI Senior Citizens' Federation
Annual General Meeting
22 May 2025
at a location to be announced.
This gathering is a great mix of entertainment, awards, door prizes, brief interesting speakers and delicious food.